

Fixture Design and Manufacturing

For holding any complicated jobs on CNC machines. Our experts will study the component and the machining process and design suitable fixture, manufacture and supply to the customers. We also take up a complete solution like designing of fixture, manufacturing the fixture and suggest the tooling layouts and prove the component.

SPM Machines

Custom made solutions in welding , machining, inspection, data storing etc

Jigs and fixatures

For holding any complicated jobs on CNC machines. Our experts will study the component and the machining process and design suitable fixture, manufacture and supply to the customers. We also take up a complete solution like designing of fixture, manufacturing the fixture and suggest the tooling layouts and prove the component.

Industrial Automation & Robotics

Support for automating the existing manual process to enhance the productivity,. We have designed and supplied integration of ABB Robot for the automatic tensile testing application. W have done many PLC based projects for industrial automation. Also we have developed Lapping Machine, total solution for testing industrial machines and many more.

System Integrators

Component Job Work using the existing Facility.


For holding any complicated jobs on CNC machines. Our experts will study the component and the machining process and design suitable fixture, manufacture and supply to the customers. We also take up a complete solution like designing of fixture, manufacturing the fixture and suggest the tooling layouts and prove the component.